High Life Highland’s green credentials have been honoured after it clinched a national award.
They relate to charges and their implications for both residents staying locally and small operators.
Community Land Scotland chairwoman Ailsa Raeburn warns ‘availability of homes now at crisis level’.
A new Highland scheme aimed at helping support people into work has launched its website.
Otherwise known as a visitor levy, should it happen, it would see the Highlands follow destinations in Europe that charge additional tax per night.
Hospitality fears it could put people off visiting but others question why locals foot the bill for mass tourism.
Two banning orders were made this year so far and at least £2600 in fines issued.
The council’s ‘thanks, but no thanks’ approach was dubbed ‘heavy handed’ by one councillor
The council is issuing a call for views covering almost all transport options in the north.
Cameron Barracks and 7 hotels as well as MoD properties were all used to accommodate displaced persons.